Monday, March 31, 2014

More America's Beauty Show


      Braden and I were lucky enough to be invited to the CND trend release Sunday where Jan Arnold and Kristina Estabrooks shared the spring trend and a sneak peek at the summer trend release. I shared a few pictures on my Facebook page and each release will be included on their CND pro page along with tutorial videos. Jan shared the story of the open road collection about a female executive that kicks off her heels and throws on her jeans and hits the open road heading to the desert sunset. The colors of this collection are a reflection of the story. Every collection will now come with its own story, its own set of additives and its own designs. They are also doing a nationwide Shellac certification for qualified salons. Kristina added now that there are so many gel polishes on the market Shellac has become like Kleenex. Many salons say they do Shellac meaning gel polish just like many ask for a Kleenex instead of a tissue. It is about branding. The certification requires each tech to bring all of their own CND equipment to be 100% certified. So no sharing lamps or tools allowed. Kristina said this is the only way to guarantee each tech is using the complete system, only fair right?



      We also spent some time at the Dashing Diva booth. They sure have been busy with so many new products. Their no blend glitter tips were a hot item. This fast full set is perfect for the upcoming spring dances, weddings and special occasions. We also got a chance to see up close and personal their new Get the look, Nail tattoos, Accents and 3 d jewels. 

     My head was spinning with all the possibilities. With their virtual nails you can easily create high fashion custom nails and sell for high profits. Easy on off tabs make these nail jewels a hot fashion accessory for Spring and Summer.





    What’s old is new again. I stopped at the Emma JeanCosmetics booth to check out her Vegan, cruelty-free 3 free scented nail polish. Creator Marsha Campbell a massage therapist started this line during some down time with an injury and the polish world opened up for her. She shared with me that she has formed some really amazing relationships with her chemists and manufacturer and it has really taken off. With all the boutique polishes on the market I’m glad to see there is room for hers. Most of her scents are around comfort smells like apple pie, cotton candy and mint chocolate to name a few. I asked her about her connection with aromatherapy oils and inducing certain emotions from the scents and she said that’s in the works. She wanted to originals to be light and fun with comfort scents. Our brave Braden took one for the ntr team and his finger did smell Blueberryish. 

  We spent some time with Gina Sylvestro at the Akzentz booth rocking out a full set for her Instagram winner Heidi Meier. Their new LED hard gel was a hot item and of course her Crystals were flying. 


     The Crystal Culture education team is growing, check out their page for a list of current educators, so many of our NTR friends are listed. All in all it was a whirlwind of new trends and new friends. Thanks one more time to Linda and Jim Nordstrom for hosting the 2nd Nail Talk Radio ABS meet and greet. 
 Last but not least I caught up with Carla Collier who will be judging the NailPro competitions in the smokies at the Nail Tech event in Gatlinburg. Nail Tech Event of the Smokies

     So take one or more of these new trends and add them to your spring line up cuz that’s smart marketing.

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