Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Feed Your Brain


     Today’s tip is about feeding your mind a healthy diet. Garbage in, garbage out as they say. Many of us that are so meticulous about what we put in our stomachs think nothing about binging on junk food for the brain. Is it true as “they” say that successful thinking breeds success? The answer is a resounding YES. While listening to my podcast dujour one day last week I stumbled upon a classic recording by the master himself, Zig Zigler. In this particular podcast called the power of self talk Zigler explains to the crowd to whom he is speaking that they will be more physiologically energized after listening to motivational, success stories even after sitting on their bums for an hour through the presentation. How could that be?


     The answer was provided by Dr Forrest Tennant. He published a study way back in 1989 after conducting an experiment at one of Ziglers seminars. The Dr. took samples of blood from participants before and after the presentation. On closer examination of these specimens Dr Tennant found the levels of dopamine, epinephrine and serotonin to be up to 300% higher in the later samples. “There is a biochemical basis why people feel good after these talks. Something in hearing about success gives us an emotional charge that releases those chemicals into the bloodstream, and that makes the body function better” Dr Tennant explains. Tennant also states that while these effects only last for a few hours, he believes that regular doses of motivation will lead to better health, happiness and achievement. He puts it in the same category as helping your health as aerobics, sleep and 3 meals a day. I have studied the principals and practices of success, successful salon owners and beauty professionals for as long as I can remember. Success does leave a trail. One that can be followed if you are willing to be led. Personal development leaders have been shouting from the rooftops for years now about the importance of surrounding yourself with positive messages, mentors and coaching. Are people finally hearing? Is it more important now that the new economy has made business more scarce? I’m not sure if that is the case for everyone but for many nail technicians and business owners both big and small, the day to day operations are more challenging than ever. If you don’t have a healthy diet for your mind you will find yourself with mental constipation. So plugged up you can’t even think straight.

     My suggestions, put a filter on what you let rent space in your head. Worry? A waste, it prevents you from focusing on the present, which is the only moment we have any control over. Hide negative feeds on social media, even if you don’t agree, it still affects your psyche. Put positive affirmations in your head first things in the morning. Before you do anything else especially reading your email. Your email is like emotional roulette, you have no control over what comes pouring into your head. Instead? Read a daily motivational quote, passage in a book or scripture from a devotional. When the stress of the day sneaks up on you remember your morning meal. Let it fill your brain with a healthy snack of positivity. A steady diet of positive thoughts will have an amazing impact on your mood, which will in turn impact your productivity. And we are all after a bit more productivity right?

Originally Posted by Millie Haynam on October 24, 2011 at 10:39pm

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