Wednesday, April 1, 2009

More from ABS Chicago

The VIP "Experience" was so awesome Saturday evening at the Palmer House Hotel in Chigago. Hosted by Beauty Systems Group it was a wonderful way to thank their clients for their business and inspire them to stay strong in the current economic climate. Something Luis Alvarez said really stuck with me. We are the beauty industry, not the financial, not the insurance, not the auto industry.......The BEAUTY Industry. He encouraged owners not to watch CNN or follow the gloom and doom headlines. Read InStyle, Vogue, Harpers Bazaar and the like. Beauty is alive and well and living in every town from New York to Los Angeles. It was such a positive experience and so wonderful to have such talented artists give up their Saturday night to give back. Hosted by my friend and mentor Geno Stampora the evening inspired me to stay strong and remember when the going gets tough, the tough get busy making everyone look fabulous and feel better. That's who we are and what we do and despite each economic downturn we continue to thrive. The Midwest is a time to see old friends and make new ones. Sadly a few did not make the trek this year, things being too tight money wise, they were missed. Call me an eternal optimist, but I am committed to keep working through the hours, days and months till this nation gets back on track. When you can't afford the education is sometimes when you need it most. I'm so glad I scraped the dollars together to go to Chicago. I reconnected with so many friends and made so many new too add to my network. I wouldn't have missed it for anything.

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