A friend recently gave me the book Platform, Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt, so I thought it would be perfect reading for my flight to the Premiere Beauty Show in Orlando.The Nail Talk Radio team had a live listening/Ustream party set up for Sunday evening with only my marketing segment..so...no pressure :) I thought this book would have a great nugget I could share. The book itself is really more for speakers, authors and the social media tribe, but I did notice chapter 7 was called Wrap the Wow in Style I thought I could tweak to fit beauty world. I was working on it at lunch for a bit and then had to head over to Maisie's class.
1. Provide a total customer experience: No Compromise. Keep a clean environment at all times. That means the front door is clean to the products are not dusty to the toilet is scrubbed. Everywhere is stellar.
2. Be a servant: Providing everything they need when they come in. Always remember their favorite polishes, what their drink preference is etc. Make sure you make them feel like the most important person in the room.
3. Build trust: If you say you are going to do something...be NIKE, just do it (especially love that one) Always under promise and over deliver.
4. Give attention: Focus on only them. Even if the salon is full and there are other conversations going on around you. Use your active listening skills and give 100 percent attention to your guest.
5. Respect: Respect their time. If they have a 10:00 am reservation and you are running late, call them, or have someone call them and let them know how late you are running.
6. Be proactive. Know the latest and the greatest in the beauty industry. Make sure you know about it before they ask. Always come up with solutions for them and make professional recommendations.
8. Take action: if something goes wrong, take action and let the guest know you will fix it, no matter the cost.
9. Commit to excellence: Make sure you, your team, your products are GREAT. Develop a spirit of excellence and you will never have to worry about pricing.
10. Honesty: Do unto others as you would want done to you. You do not want to sit at a dirty dinner table, therefor your patrons should not have to sit at a dirty nail or pedicure station.
Commit to these top ten Wows for smart marketing!
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