Friday, September 9, 2011

NYFW Day 2

So I am on the train home from New York Fashion week day two. It was another whirlwind. Up and on the train to the city by 7AM for a 9:00 Mani Pedi for Kourtney Kardashian. My friend Patty Yankee Williams let me tag along and asked me "do you want to do nails or toes?" Whaaaaaa? Toes. So we caught a cab to the hotel uptown where they were staying. One of her entourage met us in the lobby and took us upstairs.
We were ushered into a room that was just for hair, makeup and wardrobe. The whole room. Kourtney was getting her hair done when we got there. Patty and I set up camp, I was just lil nervous to say the least. she couldn't have been nicer, truly. Kim was there too, getting makeup and figuring out wardrobe. We polished her nails and toes with one of her new polishes from the upcoming collection. It's very cute, she and her sisters have a few colors and they also have family colors they all helped create. We finished up Kourtney and had to head over to Lincoln Center for the Mara Hoffman show. Kim called over "Nice meeting you". Can't mistake good training. The Hoffman show was buzzing.

When we got there and before we even finished Patty split the team so a few girls could head over to the St Johns show.
It is a tangles mess of flat irons, hairspray, powder, mascara and nail polish behind the scenes.
From St Johns we went to the Academy of Art University show for the last event. Another tangled web of hairdressers,makeup artists and nail techs all converging on these models trying to get them ready for "first look", Since it is spring fashions we had to do feet too and let me tell you, models do not have the prettiest feet. I know because I have seen. The shoes these girls have to wear on those runways are insane. Most already have blisters and show season has just begun. Chatted with a few, mostly nice, a few primas. Spoke with a really nice, absolutely stunning girl the last show, Kelsey. she moved to New York from Vancouver when she was 16. Her mom and dad took turns coming to see her. Crazy right? She is 19 now and living on her own in Manhattan. I asked her if she always wanted to model and she said it was all she ever though about since she was like 5. "My mom was a model. I wanted to be like her when I grew up." How sweet is that? I am so totally exhausted, each night I have averaged 3-4 hours sleep, but the adrenalin of rushing through models doesn't leave much time to think about it. Two shows tomorrow and a day of rest before I head back to the Mundane Midwest. Blessed!

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