This week a Facebook post resonated with quite a few of my
followers. “Hang on tight to your dreams, you just never know when they might
come true!!!” Some of you know I have been working on a certain project for
about 7 years. I am so very thankful for hanging onto this dream, it’s getting
so close to coming true. I’m so thankful for all the people that helped and
encouraged me over these years to not give up.
So you have a dream? Not sure how to accomplish this dream?
Does it take skills you don’t have? Learn them. I had never done what was
required to achieve my dream but I didn’t let that small fact stop me. I
studied, took classes and paid people to help me. But you have to get started,
and there is no better time than right now.
The time will pass anyways, pass it working on your dream.
Are you investing in you? If you ever expect anyone else to
invest in you, well you have to invest in yourself. I paid consultants to help
me along the way, all along the way, from start to when I thought I was
finished and then paid again to make sure it was perfect. I worked on it, broke
it down, reworked it and broke it down again till I was ready to give up. Many a
time I thought, who do I think I am, trying to do this, But I pressed on. There
are many people in the business world that are those few steps ahead of you,
where you need to be. Completing a project must go beyond friends and mentors.
It takes professionals. If you are not willing to pay for the knowledge to get
your project where it needs to be don’t expect anyone else to invest.

Does your dream keep
you up at night and drive your thoughts and actions throughout the day? Your dream
must be top of mind, back of mind, always on your mind. Are you taking actions
every day, every week, every month to push through? Doubts will overtake you if
you let them. So make sure you have good people around you believing in you
when you run out of belief in yourself.
Get rid of negative Nancy’s. Surround yourself with your
cheer group, prayer warriors and balcony people. I am so very thankful for so
many that have prayed for me, believed in me and encouraged me along the way. Sometimes
it was just a simple word of encouragement that kept me going. I know for
certain I could not have survived the challenge without them. A big dream is
downright scary. Make sure you have positive people and their energy
surrounding you and your project. And be that support for someone else in your
Reach out to everyone you can think of. A key person in the development
of my project was a guy I dated over 30 years ago. We got back in touch through
Facebook and he came up with the connection that made the difference between my
project getting lost in the crowd and being put front and center. You never
know what each connection in your life can someday offer you. Imagine if I had
burned that bridge so many years ago. Hopefully soon I will be able to share
the project publically, But until then believe me when I tell you truly
anything is possible. To have my dream come as far as it has to this point is
an accomplishment in itself. So believe, never stop, even if it takes years.
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