Monday, July 29, 2013

The Truth About Salon Marketing

      Michael Colosi from Salon and Spa marketing is dedicated to helping fellow professionals grow their business. We share so many of the same philosophies I am happy to share some great nuggets from a recent video I watched. Many of us are under the assumption that having more money will solve our business problems. Money will not solve your problem, but understanding and using great marketing will. It is a lesson as old as time, Give a man a fish he eats for the day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime. Once you understand this you can work less and make more. We operate our businesses under the delusion that all you have to do is build visibility for our salons to gain all the clients we will even need. You must search beyond all the advertising and marketing hype of shiny programs and glittering websites. You need to develop a direct response marketing platform and quit buying all the hype from industry quote unquote experts that have never even owned a salon. It's not about the quality of services, or quantity of what you offer or even the friendliness and efficiency of your staff. It's about finding pre qualified clients that are looking for you, willing to pay  your prices and excited about referring you to their friends and families. You must implement a marketing program that can be measured and tracked. Once you leave behind the blind advertising traps you will attract a salon full of high paying quality guests. As a salon professional you must learn that it is much more profitable to work On your business than In your business.

      Today get out your calendar and mark out a 30 minute block of your time each work week. Refuse to do anything during that time slot but work ON marketing your business. Take control of the future direction of your business. Working smarter, making more money and working less. Who wouldn't want that? There are challenges yes. You must continually market for new clients. 1  I know that  you are already busy and may not have the time to get new clients. 2 Your skills are as a technician, not a marketing person and 3, marketing costs money, money you have spent in the past that did not get you new clients. This can make you hesitant to spend any more money on marketing. You must have multiple ways to generate new clients. Do the easiest things first, that cost the least amount of money. You have current clients, past clients and new clients. AS for current clients, you must do everything in your power to retain them. Understand the lifetime value of a client. We have discussed this before. This is calculated by the number of visits per year by the amount they spend by the number of years they are your client. 26 visits X amount they spend $40 X years they are a client 9 = $9360. Remember, these are averages. Changes your belief about the value of each person in your chair doesn't it? How do we put an invisible cage around them so they never leave you? Stay engaged.  Do you send a monthly newsletter? Why? You stay top of mind. Let your clients be your best marketing strategy. Once they trust you they refer friends and family. Make it fun and interesting, about more than just nails. Maybe fashion tips, great recipes etc. It doesn't have to be fancy,  keep it authentic. Have a hard copy in your salon, email it to clients, have a download on your website.  Do you have a system to keep current clients on time and reduce no shows? Did you realize even 5 no shows per week cost an average of $10,000 per year? You must implement a system to send out Text reminders, mobile text promotions and email promotions.  Free up your time, make more money and have your business run more efficiently. Start implementing these strategies in your business this week and you will soon reap the rewards.


  1. You are such a giving person! I love everything you suggest!

  2. Very useful post. Thanks for sharing

  3. Well thanks for your info its really useful and interesting, I’ll definitely bookmark your blog for future reference.
