Monday, July 22, 2013

Take That Chance

      This week I want to talk about taking chances.  I began  my beauty training in high school, took my state board, was handed  my license and was thrown into this wild world of beauty. A bit ill prepared I might add. The industry back then, did just not have the same tools for newbie's it has today.  I stumbled along for about 10 years, taking classes here and there and built a pretty decent clientele. When I took a break to have a family I went to part time work but was still missing something. While attending a class with Vicki Peters she relit a fire in me.  A fire that had been reduced to a smolder. I took a chance and gathered my courage to speak to her after the class. I was intimidated I must admit, she after all even back then was an industry guru. But I took that chance. Vicki was quite different than her classroom persona. She got very real, very quick, looked me square in the eye and said" You need to be an educator". We walked down to the show floor where she introduced me to several regional managers and told them I would be following up with a letter. Just like that, in 10 minutes the direction of my life was altered forever. Vicki took a chance on me that day too, one I would not take for granted. And I certainly was not about to disappoint her, even if she didn't know me from Adam.  I did follow up with the manufacturers, got hired by one and while working at the following show in the fall, I reintroduced myself to Vicki as an educator for one of the manufacturers I met that fateful day. Can I take credit for this chance, this change? Did I believe in myself? Not completely. But others did, many others took a chance on me, on the potential they saw in me. Way before I recognized it in myself. I still pinch myself today wondering do I really have this segment on Nail Talk Radio reaching thousands of listeners? Me?
     Over the years my confidence has grown. I studied hard, worked with mentors, crafted my skills to carve out a niche for myself. There is a philosophy called stretch and secure. Every time we try something new, take a risk,  we reach outside our comfort zone. Sort of dangling over the edge of that cliff. It takes time for knowledge to build a bridge under us and secure that growth. It is uncomfortable, sometimes scary. But necessary. It is the cycle of growth, stretch and secure, stretch and secure. Was everything I did successful? Heck no. I had my share of crash and burn moments, the learning, growing, grunting moments. But each time I was humbled I had the opportunity to begin again. With the new knowledge, well that didn't work. Did I get discouraged? Absolutely. Did I have a few pity parties? You bet! I'm pretty sure a few of you have been to them. But through all this stretching and growing, crashing and burning, I know I have a gift. A God given talent that I am supposed to share with the world. We all do. Maybe my journey is my gift. To share with others my triumphs and tragedies. To share that if I can so can you. What is your gift? What is it you are supposed to be sharing with the world? Have you grown complacent where you are? Settling for good enough? So take that chance, stretch yourself to discover your true purpose, your gift. I guarantee.. you will Amaze yourself. Once you start walking and working in your purpose nothing can stop you. I've mentioned this quote before but it bears repeating. John Wesley, an eighteenth century theologian said, “When you set yourself on fire, people love to come and see you burn.”