There is a deep connection clients form with their beauty providers. Dr. Lew Losoncy is a psychologist that has been working with Matrix for many years. Living in Cleveland, the birthplace of Matrix, I was lucky enough to hear his very first presentation in the early eighties. As a clinical psychologist Dr. Lew became fascinated with the connection between hairdressers and their clients. When speaking with a patient one day he asked her if she had taken his advice from the last session. She told him no, my hairdresser didn't think that was a good idea. This completely changed the course of his life's work. Why is it that a person would pay him hundreds of dollars for a session yet follow the advice of their hairdresser? He discovered clients will tell their beauty professional things they wouldn't tell their therapists. We create a physical bond with clients, a safe haven. We are the only profession that touches clients, in a positive way.
Clients feel secure in telling us things because usually we don't know who they are speaking about and there is no judgment. We are like the best friend that doesn't have to be caught up each visit, we follow their life struggles and triumphs week by week, month by month, year by year. I have been with clients through their weddings, the birth of their children, the death of a spouse, the promotion at work, the birth of grandchildren, there aren't too many situations that haven't come across my table. It is an opportunity to be a "Day Maker". David Wagner, author of Life as a Daymaker also became well aware of this connection. I had the good fortune to see David speak at a show October 2001. When the world was still reeling from 911 thousands of beauty professionals gathered in Minneapolis to carry on. How timely his message. David shared a story of a woman that came into the salon for a blow out. He was a bit surprised to see her in-between her 5 week usual appointment and asked her if she had something special going on but she insisted she just wanted to look special that night.
David Wagner/Daymaker
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Meade
Millie, You are sometimes my Day Maker! And I truly mean it. Your Christmas card in my salon mailbox put a smile on my face. I told every client that it came from you. They all know my crazy nailfriends and got as much of a kick out of it as I did.You made my day. Speaking of clients... my clients keep me sane when everything else seems insane, they are my Day Makers. :-)Gina Nailbuffie
ReplyDeleteThanks Gina, you have made my day plenty of days too :)Thank God for our clients! xoxo